Metropolitan Police, D.C. Homicide Branch Challenge Coin

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The grim reaper stands behind jail bars with the inscription “Our Day Begins when your Day Ends” and “Justitia Omnibus” on the periphery of the coin.

The reverse side reads “Criminal Investigations Division” and “Homicide Branch” around the periphery. The Metropolitan Police Detective Badge is featured in the center with police detective’s badge number 1-8-7 which is derived from Section 187 of The California Penal Code which defines the crime of murder.

The coin measures 2" (50mm) in diameter, 3D mold both sides, has a decorative cut border, is gold plated on its front, dual toned (gold and silver) on the reverse and is rendered in a total of nine polished hard enamel colors.

This coin is very popular every year during National Police Week in Washington, D.C..

This Police Challenge Coin makes a great gift for Police Officers